A Guy’s Dream Proposal

Normally, when females fantasize over their happily ever after, it starts with a proposal. Sometimes extravagant, occasionally subtle, often romantic, and always with a dazzling diamond ring.

But nowadays, it’s not uncommon for a woman to propose to a man. As I was jogging this thought ran into my mind (hehe…get it?), “Kevin, if a woman were to propose to you, how would you like to be asked to spend the rest of your life with her?”

I thought about it in bed. Before I drifted to sleep, I drafted a list of things I would and wouldn’t like in a proposal. Here goes.

I’m the type of guy who likes surprises. My favorite surprise is when I get a little gift, like a bracelet, because it reminded you of me. Or when you surprise me with impromptu tickets to see an artist I like. Those are very sweet. I’m totally open to talking about marriage, future girlfriend wherever you are, but when it comes to asking…surprise me!

Some people propose on a special day. I’m for that myself, but nothing tacky like Valentine’s Day. Oh God no. An anniversary would be nice, such as the anniversary of the first kiss, first date, or something meaningful. No holidays or birthdays; to me, that’s lazy and uncreative.

As for fancy restaurants, Disneyland, Eiffel Tower, or any location that is highly public, my vote is no. I prefer intimacy and privacy. A mountaintop or backyard would be better than any of those spots. During a proposal, I don’t mind being part of the crowd. But if I were to be proposed to, the surrounding people would ruin it for me. It’s because I want this moment to be between the two of us and no one else. I’m selfish like that.

Simple is better. I’ve never been an extravagant person and I don’t care for that nonsense. There’s no need for jumbotrons, fireworks, or skywriting. I’m happy with a park bench. Or a lifeguard tower at the beach. A tree house that has Christmas lights (not the overtly colorful ones, the pretty white ones) would be legit as well.

For the time, I’d like it to be the finale to a fun filled day. Kind of like the classic, “Can this day get any better?” Why yes, yes it can. Proposal…and then SEX. But seriously, a day full of laughter, nature, delicious food, adventure, great company, and new experiences would make the day immortal in my mind. Proposals should be the best day of your life, next to marriages and the birth of your kids.

Finally, my ideal proposal…it would be at the end of a trip to Europe, Asia, Australia, or South America. Somewhere we haven’t been before. After an unforgettably fun day, she’ll lead me to the final destination: a vantage point of the city. We’ll trek to the top and she’ll surprise me with a bottle of wine and my favorite ice cream (mint chocolate chip). After we enjoy our delectable snacks and drinks, I’d thank her for the most amazing time and she’d say, “Don’t thank me yet.” That’s when the whole down-on-one-knee-pull-out-the-ring moment occurs, but not this proposal. I don’t what exactly, but I’d like her to put a weird spin onto it and slaughter the norm. Maybe she like, hangs from a tree…or uses a drone to carry the ring. Whatever method, as I shed tears of joy, I embrace my fiancée and say, “I do.”

“And that’s how she proposed!” Quite a story, eh?

Guys, if you haven’t thought about this scenario, take some time and imagine how you’d like to be asked. Lady friends, do the ol’ switcheroo. Instead of how you would like to be asked, how would you ask a guy?

Thanks for reading. Namaste!

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