Money on my Mind


It was a good month. My friend got hired and I got an internship! It’s been treating me very nicely, but that’s not what this post about.

I’m paid on an hourly basis and I wanted to know how it compared to my friend’s job. I asked her and her lips pursed, she looked into my eyes, and slowly shook her head. I realized I crossed one of the unspoken boundaries of America: Don’t ask about religion, political affiliation, and money.

But that got me wondering. Why are we hesitant to talk about our salary? What is it about how much we make that is so sensitive? It’s unfortunate, but in society, the higher the income the more prestigious the individual. Which is honestly a load of bologna.

What is it about making more/less money that is so offensive? All I see is the more money you make, the larger amount you can spend.

Pride is definitely one aspect. In a capitalist world, the one who makes the most money is considered to be the alpha dog. Which is sad to me, because if that’s your main goal in life…you’ll never make enough to be satisfied. Also, what happens if you ask someone and you find out you make less? Maybe this unspoken rule came about because someone asked and he or she made less, therefore to save face you don’t ask.

Now…what if both parties make the same amount? Perhaps this will become a new trend – salary twinsies! Sounds stupid but who knows.

Now this is my opinion, but the amount of money you make is trivial. The significance lies in how much you spend. You could make $1000 a month and spend a $100; you’re thrifty. But let’s say you make $100,000 and you spend $100,000. Well, you’re an idiot. A broke-ass moron who got the position through countless sucking of the D and repeated penetration of the rear.

We need a new definition of income. Not that I’m any good at math, but income should be: (What you make – bills + savings) – spendings. Whatever that number is, is what you tell. And I hope to goodness gracious it’s not in the negatives.


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